Wednesday, 1 September 2010

How good is an Android phone for photography

I recently tested out my Android phone to see good the photography can be.

I live in a town in Scotland called Linlithgow where we are lucky to have some beautiful landscapes. I took some pictures with the phone of Linlithgow Palace where Mary Queen of Scots as born.

Hope you like them, pictures where taken at 9am in the morning, later Summer


The Linlithgow Peel with a G1 Android Camera Phone

I started recently to take some pictures as test of the quality of my G1 android phone. I live in a small town called Linlithgow in Scotland, which posses a beautiful palace and loch where Mary Queen of Scots was born some 600 years ago.

Around the foot of the Palace is a Loch. You can walk around the loch area (2.3 miles), of which I took the following pictures of at about 9 in the morning in late summer.

Hope you like them.