Monday, 23 July 2007

A Good Day to go Fishing

Here I'm following kind of where I left of on the last blog, in particular the Free Prize draw angle I was talking about. This week's dilemma for the marketing team was to discover how we could really trap prospect data for the sales department.

We knew like most sites that our most popular entry and exit page where the same so how could we make sure the visitors left a viable imprint from their stay. What was important for us to see was the type of traffic coming to the site from the PPC advertising we're running, was it the right type of prospects we were getting. As it was a prize draw were we not in danger of turning users into suers ‘See how I switched letters there, funny eh!’. [Anyway]

With already knowing that our website was attracting the wrong type of users, there was no point in trapping some 85% of the traffic with our incentive-based draw . We pushed key messaging all the way - 'BUSINESS USERS ONLY!! GODAMMIT GET THE HINT YOU FREAKS", we said, well not exactly like that but you get our drift.

As mentioned instead of relying too much on organic traffic we decided to promote the prize draw directly on Google sponsored links and since the 15th of the month we achieved 270 clicks on the ad campaign. Coupled with organic traffic, feeds etc. we achieved 431 Conversions of which 133 completed the registration process, which gave us an overall conversion rate of 3.78%. We also managed to reduce bounce rate from 93% to 88.71% and conversion rates went from 2% to a whopping 5.89% [peaking on Thursday to 7.28%] which was nice to see.

When we finally trawled the net we could see about 45% Business registrations and the rest where end-users which was to be expected - There Latin name is chancer-their-armis.

Overall as an exercise dangling free prize draws in sponsored advertisements [contextual ads] seemed to be a positive step in the right direction. As well as focusing on the web-form and select questions that we knew would flag the right opportunity, then the sales monsters would be happy and funny enough so would the MD. In terms of real goal value it equated to £77k worth of revenue with an advertising cost [including the draw item] of £400.00. On Friday one of these little fishes took a bigger bite and bought a £4k server, at £600 profit - so excellent a good days fishing.

If you would like more information on this particular approach we took then e-mail me -

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